Looks like Tim might have lost this one :(
According to the results, here is the outcome.

GINNA E ESCOBAR....1,449....36.95%
TIM SAUNDERS....1,377....35.11%
JORGE GRAJEDA....830....21.16%
INGRID E LUEVANO....266....6.78%
Registration for District: 9,652
Precincts Reporting 11
Total Precincts 11
% Precincts Reporting 100
Wow, only 3,922 out of 9,652 voted in this election for District 5! So if this is offical, looks like Tim Saunders lost by 72 votes. Oh boy! I guess if you have firefighters knocking on doors spreading lies and fear, it works.
Regardless, I wish the best for Ginna Escobar, who I have met before. I guess the mayor gets one 'dissenter' out in order to keep order and HIS rule of law. I do hope that Ginna does the right thing for District 5 and the City of Pomona, not the Mayor & County's soldout Pomona.
Also, a pleasure to meet Ingrid tonight. She seemed pretty nice and honest, but since she wasn't paraded around by Mayor Moochie or County/Union interests, no one really voted for her. Next time Ingrid, next time.
And Tim Saunders, what a great guy. I know you'll still be involved in Pomona politics and the community, and I wish you the best. It's hard to win on honesty nowadays. I guess this city needs to be back in the dumps once again so the people can revolt. It looks like backward is the way for this country in general this election.
Don't worry everyone else, there is some stuff happening in the very near future where 'City of Bell-like' things will be coming out. In a way, I'm glad Tim isn't part of the council, as everyone will want them ALL OUT soon.
Okay, enough politics. Frickin' commercials were practically giving me an ulcer! Since the Lakers are back, looks like Southwest commercials will once again drive us nuts. Want to get away?