Sunday, November 14, 2010

No More Islands (In Montclair)

Another business bites the dust (what else is new?). Islands, the famous tropical burger spot in Montclair off Moreno Street near the Montclair Plaza, is closing it's doors for good. I knew something was up about a year ago when their burgers got smaller. I remember asking them why and they responded saying it was to promote an affordable combo of burger, fries and drinks. I figured this was happening at all Islands. Well, it certainly wasn't the case. I recently went to Island's in East Pasadena and the burgers were as big as usual.

Well, a year later and now it's closed as of this weekend. I am saddened, not because I really don't go anymore, but because it is a VERY GOOD burger to grub on. I also got partial inspiration on its landscaping for my semi-tropical backyard.

But the facts seems to be a mix of the economy and nearby business closures, lease expiration, and outdated shopping center.

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