Sunday, January 24, 2010

A. S. Ashley's -Billy Mumy-

It's not often (or never so far) that i speak about artists or a particular one, except for Pomona's monthly ArtWalk in general. This time, I just had to mention something that is in the works for one of Pomona's most famous artist, Mr. A. S. Ashley. I met Ashley about a year ago at the ArtWalk, on behalf of his sweet and awesome wife (who is the reason I got to know the Arts Colony). Ashley is one of the friendliest, funniest, and easiest guy to chat with around town.

But this isn't a write up about Ashley's personality or life (Sorry Ash, I'm sure you were lovin' it so far), it is about a very cool painting he's working on.

The famous Billy Mumy, a native of San Gabriel, California, who is known for his roles as a child star in many movies and shows. This time it's an image from his Twilight Zone years (1959-1964). It is from his most famous episode, titled "It's A Good Life", about a boy with Psychic abilities who terrorizes his town. You can read more about this episode over at Wikipedia.

Ashley was kind enough to let me show off his work-in-progress, along with himself being a clown (as usual) next to his painting. So here it is:

(Click Image To Enlarge)

If you like this painting, you need to come out to next month's ArtWalk and check out his place to see more of his works. He has plenty of amazing stuff available for your eyes and home if you'd like.

While we're here, check out another painting that I also found amazing (this painting has been sold for a while now):

(Click Image To Enlarge)

In closing this little write-up, I'd like to thank the A. S. Ashley Studios for allowing me to show his work. Ashley is available for contact and you can click his card below for all the information you need. Even if you don't, you can ask for him in the Arts Colony at any venue (especially Acerogami) and they will direct you to him.


  1. Notice that the Wikipedia image for "It's a Good Life" is the exact video frame I am working from!
