This is the latest update after Monday's Council Meeting. If I am correct, the police item was not on the agenda, but a mention of it was. This is direct from Facebook (Pomona PD):
"Yesterday evening the council voted to approve the contract between the City and PPOA. Mayor Rothman took a moment to publicly thank the police department for their sacrifices. Later in the evening, Councilperson Atchley made a motion to quash the LASD issue and Councilperson Saunders gave a second. During open discussion, Councilperson Lantz wanted to wait until August 2nd to make a decision because council has yet to receive the independent study they allegedly paid $25K for. Councilperson Rodriguez wanted to move forward with the LASD Phase 2 study. Councilperson Soto and Mayor Rothman basically said nothing. The item is now scheduled for the August 2nd council meeting at which time they will "definitely" vote whether or not the issue is put on the ballot in November."
So, let me see if I get this right. Tim Saunders, the lone opponent at once seems to be joined by Steve Atchley now? And Paula Lantz wants to at least see the $25,000 study. Freddie Rodriguez has basically sold himself to the Sheriffs, and the rest who I know supported this outsourcing, are now saying nothing? Yet, the contract between the City and the Pomona Police Association is approved?
I can't think this afternoon, I checked and I'm out of coffee and have been too lazy to go to Starbucks for some fresh ground. Anyone care to chime in on this or any new info?
by the way, the quote above is followed with this latest update, straight from the Save Pomona PD feed:
One last chance to let your voice be heard. Please plan to attend the city counsel meeting on August, 2nd 2010. Thank you for supporting YOUR police.
Happy New Year 2025!
2 weeks ago
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